Missing images in document when simply loading/saving document

I am currently evaluating the Aspose.Total suite for my company and have a test license file in place so I can see how everything works “in the wild.”
I created a suite of tests to determine how well suited the Aspose.Words library is to the tasks that we would be utilizing it for in real world scenarios. For the first suite of tests, I was going to test composition of documents. I took a large, representatively complex document and split it up into small .docx files using Word 2007. I then proceeded to assemble the document fragments to re-create the original document so that I could check the fidelity of the composition. I ended up having a situation on the very first fragment of the composition – the cover page contained a couple of images, a text frame and some body text (a representative sample of what I would expect to encounter.) When I looked at the document I had assembled back in Word again, the images were lost.
At first I thought that perhaps I had made a mistake in my document assembly process, and that wouldn’t surprise me since I am new to your API. To take my lack of experience with your tool out of the picture, I reduced the scenario to this most basic test : load the .docx file, save it as a .docx file in another folder (essentially a “Save As” scenario.)

Aspose.Words.License license = new Aspose.Words.License();
license.SetLicense(GetEmbeddedFile("PBLite", "Aspose.Total.lic"));
// Load the original Word 2007 .docx file
Document docT = new Document("C:\\TestData\\Cover Page.docx");

// Save it to a different folder
docT.Save("C:\\Temp\\Cover Page.docx" + rgsFilePieces[i], SaveFormat.Docx);

Thanks for your request. Most probably you are using not last version of Aspose.Words. Please try using Aspose.Words 5.1.0
Also could you please attach your source document for testing? (As I understood you attached the document after processing it by Aspose.Words).
Best regards.