We are using Aspose.Tasks (version 16.11.0) to generate MPX file from the empty MPP project.
Unfortunately when we preview generated MPX file it shows that the lag time (a link lag we set) has no value.
I provide some sample code to reproduce the problem + the input and output files.
Project project = new Project("project.mpp")
Task pred = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 1")
Task succ = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 2")
pred.set(Tsk.START, new Date(2016, 1, 1))
pred.set(Tsk.ACTUAL_START, new Date(2016, 1, 1))
succ.set(Tsk.START, new Date(2016, 1, 11))
succ.set(Tsk.ACTUAL_START, new Date(2016, 1, 11))
TaskLink link = project.getTaskLinks().add(pred, succ)
link.setLinkLag(60 * 8 * 10 * 10); // expected 10d, but there is no value in MPX file
project.save("mpxTest.mpx", SaveFileFormat.MPX)
Can you provide us some help with this issue?
files.zip (26.3 KB)