Hi, I’m new to Aspose and started off using the examples on GitHub, specifically RenderToBufferedImage
I’m building with Gradle on Mac OS X 10.15.7 and get Failed to locate library: liblwjgl.dylib
see ISSUE-9.
Since that I have tried adding jars from LWJGL - Lightweight Java Game Library and now I get the error:
Renderer is not supported in this platform.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Renderer is not supported in this platform.
at com.aspose.threed.nN.a(SourceFile:210)
at com.aspose.threed.nN.<init>(SourceFile:79)
at com.aspose.threed.Renderer.a(SourceFile:681)
at com.aspose.threed.Scene.render(SourceFile:956)
at com.perforce.search.functional.Aspose3DTest.testFile(Aspose3DTest.java:82)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
I have had success running the Example on a Windows machine, but get errors when trying a Windows VM on my Mac.
Kind regards,