MMULT and TRANSPOSE support on Java?

When looking at the knowledge base, it seems to imply that MMULT and TRANSPOSE are supported in Aspose.Cells (see

However, when calculating an XLS file with this formula, the following error message is displayed:

Exception in thread “main” com.aspose.cells.FormulaCalcException: SF.SCR_G!F337[=SQRT(MMULT(TRANSPOSE(1*F340:F341),J340:J341))]: Unsupported function TRANSPOSE
at com.aspose.cells.Cell.g(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.cells.fP.a(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.cells.fP.a(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.cells.fP.a(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.cells.Worksheets.calculateFormula(Unknown Source)
at com.aspose.cells.Worksheet.calculateFormula(Unknown Source)

What exactly is the status of the MMULT and TRANSPOSE functions ?


After reading the knowledge base article more thoroughly, I think that I’ve found the answer myself: The first half of the page lists the supported functions which can be calculated, the second half of the page is not supported by the calculation engine.
Major Bummer.

When can we expect support for:

etc. etc. ?


Well, INDIRECT and IF formulas are already supported. I have logged your feature request to support the formulas for formula calculation engine i.e. MMULT,TRANSPOSE, CELL with an id: CELLSJAVA-19991.

Once we support these formulas, we will let you know.

Thank you.

Excellent !

Is there a way for me to implement missing functions (such as MMULT, TRANSPOSE and CELL) ourselves in the mean time? (i.e. provide custom implementations of missing functions?)

Also, does the support for MMULT and TRANSPOSE also includes support for array formulas ? (e.g. {=SQRT(MMULT(TRANSPOSE(1*F286:F292),J286:J292))}

Thanks in advance,

Barry Lagerweij


We need some time to support to calculate your desired formulas.

I think currently you should try using ICustomFunction interface to write your own scripts to calculate these formulas. Also, we are fixing the related issue you posted in the other thread:

Thank you.