Modify annotation author

Hi, i need to modifify the annotation author of a single annotation, using ModifyAnnotationsAuthor i can replace the author in all page annotations with the same value, how i can loop page annotations one by one and change the FullName ?


To iterate over page annotations, use a loop like (where page is Page object)

foreach(var annotation in page.Annotations)
      // do something with annotation

(if I understand your question correctly, otherwise please clarify)


what i need is to modify the author, using this code

 PdfAnnotationEditor annotationEditor = new PdfAnnotationEditor();
            annotationEditor.BindPdf(_dataDir + "sample_cats_dogs.pdf");
            annotationEditor.ModifyAnnotationsAuthor(1, 2, "Aspose User", "Aspose.PDF user");
            annotationEditor.Save(_dataDir + "ModifyAnnotationsAuthor.pdf");

i can replace one author with another in some pages, but what i need is for each annotations replace the author with different values so

int counter=0;
foreach(var annotation in page.Annotations)
{ = counter;

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