More tnan 2 pages Excel to PDF

Enter data into Excel with your library and save the document as PDF. This works well, but what should I do when Excel has more than 2 pages???
견적서_거래명세서.pdf (52.0 KB)


By default, Aspose.Cells will render all the pages of each worksheet (in the Excel workbook) to PDF without any issues when you save it in PDF file format (see the document on saving to PDF for your reference) after inserting data into the worksheet cells. Could you please zip and attach your Excel file and paste your sample code that you are using? We will evaluate your issue and assist you accordingly.

견적서_거래명세서.zip (10.4 KB)

I want to know how to copy first page sheet to second page sheet in your api

sometimes there is one page or many page…


I am sorry but I could not understand your issue or requirements. Could you please elaborate and provide more details. Do you need to copy/repeat data of the first page in the sheet to second page of the sheet? If so, you may copy ranges for your needs, see the document on copying ranges with example code for your reference.

By the way, if you want to render one/single PDF page for the whole worksheet (even it has 1 or many pages), you may set OnePagePerSheet option of PdfSaveOptions while rendering Excel spreadsheet to PDF, see the document for your reference.

If you need to implement something else, please provide input file and your desired output file(s) for reference. You may create/render your desired file in MS Excel manually.

PS. please zip the files prior attaching here.