Moving from Microsoft EWS to Aspose EWS

I’m using Aspose.Total.
I’ve an existing code using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices, and would like to move to Aspose.Email to use some features.
I don’t want to convert the whole codebase at once, is there any way to integrate both lib ? i.e. create a IEWSClient from an ExchangeService, or convert Microsoft EmailMessage to Aspose EmailMessage ?
Thank you

Thank you for posting the query.

It is difficult for me to suggest a better way for such migration without knowing your application. I think you should evaluate the features of the IEWSClient interface and find out the compatibility of the EmailMessage class from Microsoft and the MailMessage class from Aspose for conversion, and then choose the best way.

Documents: Working with Exchange EWS Client
API Reference: IEWSClient Interface, MailMessage Class, MapiMessage Class

Thank your for your answer.

I’m searching a way to retrieve an email using aspose when I already have the email using Microsoft EmailMessage. This class have an Id value which is an ItemId. Is it possible, using this value, to retrieve a specific email using Aspose ?
Because what I see in the example is how to retrieve email using UniqueUri, but this Uri is not given by Ms lib. How could I fetch an email using Microsoft Id ?
Thank you for your help

It will take me a while to figure out such capabilities. I will answer your questions as soon as possible.

I have logged the issue with ID EMAILNET-40469 in our tracking system. Our development team will investigate your requirements. We will answer you as soon as possible.

I found how to do it, finally the UniqueUri is in fact not an Uri but instead an alphanumeric ID.
I had to print both to compare the value, and it’s the same as the Microsoft EmailMessage.Id.UniqueId
So I can use this value to fetch the email using Aspose.
Thank you for your help

We are glad you have found the solution yourself.