I used aspose. Tasks to convert. mpp files to. jpg format, and the Chinese version on. mpp to. jpg became garbled. I tested several versions of aspose. Tasks are garbled, and my system is linux
the attached mpp file uses the following fonts: ‘宋体’ and ‘等线’
Do you have them installed in your system?
The fonts can be selected on per-cell, per-column or per-row basis in MS Project:
Screenshot_1.png (12.8 KB)
Also your can use FontResolveCallback API to examine or specify fallback font(s):
Project project = new Project("input.mpp");
var so = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFileFormat.Jpeg);
var fontsMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>();
so.FontResolveCallback = delegate(FontResolveEventArgs args)
fontsMapping[args.RequestedFontName] = args.ResolvedFontName;
project.Save("output.jpg", so);
foreach (var kv in fontsMapping)
Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", kv.Key, kv.Value);
for example, on test Windows machine the snippet outputs the following mappings (the output image doesn’t seem garbled):
宋体 -> SimSun
Arial -> Arial
-> Times New Roman
等线 -> Times New Roman
I still have garbled code in the Linux system, and the system has installed these fonts
could you execute the following snippet on your system and your file and provide it’s console output?
Project project = new Project("input.mpp");
var so = new ImageSaveOptions(SaveFileFormat.Jpeg);
var fontsMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>();
so.FontResolveCallback = delegate(FontResolveEventArgs args)
fontsMapping[args.RequestedFontName] = args.ResolvedFontName;
project.Save("output.jpg", so);
foreach (var kv in fontsMapping)
Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", kv.Key, kv.Value);
Have you reproduced the problem and how do you need to solve it
Yes, it’s this kind of garbled code
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