.mpp to .mpx conversion support

Hi Support,

We want to convert microsoft project 2010 mpp file to mpx format. |This will be further imported to primavera software..In primavera we can import only mpx format file..Please give your suggestion on this
We need to convert .mpp to .mpx format. Please let me know does Aspose.Task support to convert .mpp file to .mpx format?


This message was posted using Email2Forum by Tilal Ahmad Sana.


Thank you for contacting Aspose support team.

Currently conversion of MPP to MPX format is not supported by Aspose.Tasks. I have logged this requirement as new feature under id:TASKS-33748 in our issue tracking system. Development team will look into it and provide their feedback, which will be communicated to you immediately.

I would also like to share that Aspose.Tasks provides option to convert MPP directly to formats supported by Primavera. Could you please give a try to the following sample code and check the output with Primavera?

Project prj = new Project(“input.mpp”);
prj.Save(“PrimaveraP6XML.xml”, SaveFileFormat.PrimaveraP6XML);
prj.Save(“PrimaveraXER.xer”, SaveFileFormat.PrimaveraXER);

The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKS-33748) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by Aspose Notifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.