MPP to PDF is truncated (some tasks are missing and diagram is cropped)


If file (34.0 KB) is converted by Aspose.Tasks 18.11 using next code:

var project = new Project("Source.mpp") { CalculationMode = CalculationMode.Manual }; project.Save("Source.mpp.pdf", SaveFileFormat.PDF);

Then result Source.mpp.pdf (104.4 KB) looks truncated (some tasks are missing and diagram is cropped).

Same file converted using other software ProjectLibre.pdf (31.8 KB) is more “realistic”.

Thank you.


We were able to reproduce this issue and it has been logged with ID “TASKSNET-2949” for further investigation. You will automatically be informed here once we have more information to share.


Please upgrade API to latest version which is 18.12 as some improvements were made regarding PDF generation in it.

It is also noticed that StartDate and FinishDate are not specified for the diagram and following dates are used instead:

Prj.TimescaleStart = "28.02.2013 0:00:00"
Prj.TimescaleFinish = "09.03.2013 0:00:00"

So with the latest version of Aspose.Tasks, you may try either this snippet:

project.Save("e:\\Source2.pdf", new PdfSaveOptions { StartDate = project.Get(Prj.StartDate).AddDays(-2), EndDate = project.Get(Prj.FinishDate).AddDays(2), LegendOnEachPage = true });

or this snippet:

project.Set(Prj.TimescaleStart, project.Get(Prj.StartDate).AddDays(-2)); project.Set(Prj.TimescaleFinish, project.Get(Prj.FinishDate).AddDays(2)); project.Save("e:\\Source3.pdf", new PdfSaveOptions { LegendOnEachPage = true });

The resulting PDF file is very similar to the PDF file exported by MS Project Professional 2016.

Moreover, please share your feedback and feel free to write back to us if you need additional information.