Mso and emz

Of course, DetectFileFormat tool does not support mso and emz files, which are very related to mapi emails.
So do you think is that useful to be added? or if not, do you have any idea about detecting those 2 file types by contents?


This could be added if there were the specifications for these formats.
Also, there are no requests to add these features, but it takes significant time to develop and research.

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Just to be noted, emz is simply Gzip wirh EMF file inside.

The reason I asked this: Aspose.Email DetectFileFormat will detect emz files as tgz.
It is both right and wrong!
Right because they’re both almost the same format.
Wrong because not a Tgz file indeed, and if we solely rely on DetectFileFormat to open files, we’ll have no way to distinguish between Tgz and Emz.
Just for the records :slight_smile:


Thank you for the information.