MSProject Field list

In MSProject, when you want to Add New Column, MS Project provides you with a long list of available fields to choose from. How to get this same list using Aspose.Tasks. We would think this would be pretty simple, but during our Trial we have not been able to figure this out. Can an example be provided?

Hi @midnite11,
You can access some of task’s fields by using Task.Get(Tsk.) method, as well, as Project.Get(Prj.) for project’s fields, Resource.Get(Rsc.) for resource’s fields and ResourceAssignment.Get(Asn.) for resource assignment’s fields. All other fields are available only in formulas, you cannot directly access them using Aspose.Tasks. In order to get all fields’ names, look at Aspose.Tasks.Field enumeration, it consists of full list of all available fields.

I have seen the Tasks.Field enumeration answer now a couple of times.

However, reviewing that page simply gives me a list of all the MSProject fields that I can retrieve.

How to use the Aspose.Tasks.Field enumeration such that I can fill a List ??

Something like:

Foreach(Aspose.Tasks.Field field in Aspose.Tasks.Fields) \Aspose.Tasks.Fields does not exist


“get list”


Just looking for an example.


@midnite11 on .NET try this method: Enum.GetValues Method (System) | Microsoft Learn