Multi-page DWG to JPEG conversion

Converting a multi-page DWG file to JPEG does not work.
Result of conversion:

  • Only one jpeg file is generated.
  • The color is not the original color in DWG file.

I have search in documentation and sample codes but I cannot find any information on how to make the correct conversion.

Do you have any reference on how to do the conversion in the correct way?


Can you please share the DWG file with us having multiple pages. Secondly, for color related issue, please share the generated output and used sample code.

Hi @mudassir.fayyaz .

Thanks for replying.

  1. Can you please share the DWG file with us having multiple pages.
    Attached is the DWG file with multi-pages. (1.5 MB)

  2. Secondly, for color related issue, please share the generated output and used sample code.

  • regarding color issue, I already solved it using “rasterizationOptions.setDrawType(CadDrawTypeMode.UseObjectColor);”

  • about not saving each page, I cannot seem to find documentation how to do it.
    Below is the sample code I tried.

    public void convertToJpeg(File sourceFile, File targetFile, Float width, Float height) {

        CadImage image = (CadImage)Image.load(sourceFile.toString());

        // Create an instance of CadRasterizationOptions and set its various properties
        CadRasterizationOptions rasterizationOptions = new CadRasterizationOptions();

        CadLayoutDictionary layouts = image.getLayouts();
        List<String> layoutNames = new ArrayList<>();
        int i = 0;
        for(var layout : layouts.getValues())

        // Set Page Width/Height
        float pw = width;
        float ph = height;

        String[] stringArray = layoutNames.toArray(new String[0]);


        // Create an instance of JpegOptions
        JpegOptions options = new JpegOptions();

        // Set the VectorRasterizationOptions property as CadRasterizationOptions

        // Export to JPEG, options);


Can you please share the generated PDF and highlight what issue you are having. Using online free Aspose.CAD viewer and other tools, I am getting identical PDF files.


Sorry for the confusion.

Its actually a conversion from DWG direct to JPEG.

Please check the PNG generated using Aspose tool. I am more interested in output that you are getting and observing that to be wrong. Please share the generated and desired output with us.

page_1 2.png (174.7 KB)


Thank you for the help.

I was able to solved the problem.

I use CadLayoutDictionary to get the layouts of DWG files.
For each layouts, I convert it to JPEG.

Again, thank you.


That’s good to hear that using individual layout and exporting that to JPEG/PNG has worked on your end. Please feel free to share if there is any further requirement in this regard.