Dear All,
Is it possible that export the dataset contains multi table and relationships between them to excel using Aspose.Cells.
The dataset contain such tables like Northwind database.
Any reply,Thanks!
Dear All,
Is it possible that export the dataset contains multi table and relationships between them to excel using Aspose.Cells.
The dataset contain such tables like Northwind database.
Any reply,Thanks!
Aspose.Cells for .NET can import data from DataTable, DataReader, DataGrid etc. See the topic:
We do not support to import the whole DataSet to Excel. I think you may import separate DataTables in the Database to fill Excel spreadsheets using the component’s API.
Thank you.
Thanks for Amjad Sahi's reply.
I need,for example:a dataset, contains two table,one table is t_Customer,another is t_Employee.
custID custName empID
1 custA 1001
2 custB 1002
empID empName
1001 EmpA
1002 EmpB
I want to export the dataset to Excel with the format:
custID custName empName
1 custA EmpA
2 custB EmpB
Is this possible?
As I told you earlier (in my previous reply), Aspose does not provide any API that supports to directly import a DataSet (having tables with relations) to Excel, you can import datatables to fill worksheets though. I am not sure if MS Excel does have any feature to import tables with relations b/w them. But, I think you can accomplish your task using our feature Smart Markers, see the document for your complete reference:
All you need to do is specify smart markers into different cells (at specified positions in different columns) with reference to your source tables, use ADO.NET API to fetch or fill the DataSet with tables, use Aspose.Cells for .NET API to process the smart markers to fill/import data to worksheet(s).
Alternatively, if you want to use our web based grid control, named GridWeb to display/present data visually on the web page, you may utilize its Data Binding (hierarchical view) feature, see the demo for your reference:
GitHub - aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET: Aspose.Cells for .NET examples, plugins and showcases
thank you.