Has anybody tried using Aspose.Tasks with multiple linked files? I currently have a large schedule with many linked files and I can't get Aspose.Tasks to open any of the files. Not sure if the fact that they are linked is part of the problem.
My next question is if you can read from linked files is there a way to get the "new" unique id field from the file? It seems that when you open linked files it will have a field that has the source files unique id but then there is a new unique id that is truely unique for all the files linked together.
I have added a project with external task and subproject in zip archive attached. I can run the NUnit test below and read the project data and external tasks’ information. Unfortunately, Aspose.Tasks does not provide any method to track the tasks through the projects.
I have created a new issue ‘Add capability to identify tasks through subprojects and linked projects.’ with ID = 19013 and linked it to this forum thread. Some investigations are required to provide you with the issue’s resolution planned date.
public void TestExternalTasks()
ProjectReader reader = new ProjectReader();
Project main = reader.Read("D:\\Prj\\MainProject.mpp");
Project subProject = reader.Read("D:\\Prj\\SubProject1.mpp");
Project extProject = reader.Read("D:\\Prj\\ExtTaskProject.mpp");
// Test external task
Task externalTask = main.GetTaskByUid(7);
Assert.AreEqual(true, externalTask.IsExternalTask);
Assert.AreEqual("D:\\Prj\\ExtTaskProject.mpp", externalTask.ExternalTaskProject);
Task originalTask = extProject.GetTaskByUid(2);
Assert.AreEqual(externalTask.Name, originalTask.Name);
Assert.AreNotEqual(externalTask.Uid, originalTask.Uid); // Uids are not equal.
Assert.AreNotEqual(externalTask.GUID, originalTask.GUID); // Guids are not equal too.
// Test subproject
Task subProjectTask = main.GetTaskByUid(6);
Assert.AreEqual(true, subProjectTask.IsExternalTask);
Assert.AreEqual("D:\\Prj\\SubProject1.mpp", subProjectTask.ExternalTaskProject);
originalTask = subProject.GetTaskByUid(0);
Assert.AreEqual(subProjectTask.Name, originalTask.Name);
Assert.AreNotEqual(subProjectTask.Uid, originalTask.Uid); // Uids are not equal.
Assert.AreNotEqual(subProjectTask.GUID, originalTask.GUID); // Guids are not equal too.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as 19013) have been fixed in this update.
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I have not been very pleased with your turn around times on some of your bug fixes and enhancements. Your company has misrepresented this product, in my opinion, to have more functionality that it really had. It would return values for fields that were not supported at all and then it would take long periods of time to get them supported. I got my company to purchase a license in the hopes that all my problems could be resolved within my one year subscription. Since this has not been the case my company will not spend one more dime to purchase a renewal.
If you would be willing to extend my subscription for a small period of time to where I could get more updates that addressed my issues I created, then my company might have a change of heart. Otherwise your product would have been a complete waste of money since it cannot provide all the information I require.
Hi Chris,
Unfortunatelly I cannot resolve the problem with your subscription but the information was directed to our managers and they are going to contact with you personally.
I have tracked all your last year requests and found 4 unresolved issues (and one was marked as unresolved by error). I have updated information about each issue in the correspondent forum’s thread. Let me know if you have some additional requirements or I have missed some of your old ones.
We have updated our product documentation by remarks with the information what data reading is supported and are going to add an actual summary description for all fields. I have attached an Excel file with the summary to this post.
Thank you a lot for the feedback, we are going to analyze it further and use it to improve our developing and planning approaches. Sorry again for the inconvenience.
Hi Chris,
Many thanks for your post above, we are looking into your issues and based on what information you give to Sergey’s question above we will be able to advise further.
Having looked against your user account I cannot find an Aspose Order ID, its possible that you may have purchased under a different account. Can you please send your order ID to me at john.owens@aspose.com
Many thanks,
The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.