Hi Aspose team,
before I had problem that when I open in multiple threads different documents some of them were saved with 0 bytes.
Today, I experienced same case.
In prepared project you will find under video folder what was happening. Basically, I have 88 documents that I wanted to proces in parallel (of course, not all at once). Sample application pulled first few files, made changes and started to save documents back. As files are named in order like 1.one, 2.one until 88.one processing started from smallest to largest number and you’ll see that initially opened documents like 2,4,… were at the end not properly saved (result: 0 bytes).
Processed documents are in debug/docs/OneNote and backup files so that you can try few times are in debug/docs folder.
Challenging is that this is not happening always but it is something what can be created. Easier is to close and run application every time when you copy source files from debug/docs to debug/docs/OneNote.
As project is big I am uploading to my server and will share download link with assigned expert.