Need help SetFormulaArray

Hi there,

I’ve got error when testing method SetFormulaArray

My code is:
rangeListProject[0, 2].SetArrayFormula("=SUM(IF(TenDa=" + rangeListProject[0, 1].Name + “, PhatSinh, 0))”, 1, 1);

If in Excel, that will be something like this:
{=SUM(IF(TenDa=B41, PhatSinh, 0))}

It don’t raise error when runtime but when open generated excel file. I’ve tested by using excel function above and it work.
I attacht the template file and report file. Please look them and help me solve this problem.

Thank you


Thanks for providing us further details and files

We will look into your issue soon.

By the way which version of Aspose.Cells you are using? could you give a try the version posted in the thread: <A href="</A></P> <P>Thank you.</P>

Thank you,

This version is well done.