Need to check if Aspose PDF can adjust content in a page on same/different page


I need to check if we can use Aspose PDF for :
1. Identifying sections(collection of text/image content etc.) in my existing PDF. The start of a sections can be identified by Headings in that PDF.
2. Move a section of a page in the earlier page if there is enough space for the section to start.
3. Move a section in the next page if there are 2 sections in the same page.
4. Move a section in the next page if there there exists data of a previous section in the page.

Basically merge two pdf content in one page according to order we want and if the content
exceeds the page size it should flow to next page.

If you need any more clarification on the above points please let me know.



Thanks for your inquiry. The Section object in aspose.pdf package represents a page in PDF file and as per my understanding, you mean to re-organize the paragraphs inside particular page of PDF document. I am afraid currently you cannot reorganize paragraphs in existing PDF file. For the sake of correction, we have already logged this problem as
PDFNEWJAVA-34375 in our issue tracking system. We will further look into the details of this problem and will keep you updated on the status of correction.

We are sorry for this inconvenience.

Best Regards,