Need to test feasibilty with ASPOSE Words Python in .NET

I am trying to compare 2 html files, and show the resulting differences (additions and removals) between the 2.
Need to test feasibility with the temporary license before we buy the porduct.
Please suggest best way to setup and test.

@cg17 To test Aspose.Words for Python, you should install Aspose.Words package using pip.
It you would like to test it without evaluation version limitations, you can request a free 30-days temporary license. Once you get a license, you should apply license in your code before using Aspose.Words. The simple code for applying license and comparing two documents look like this:

import aspose.words as aw

# Apply license
lic = aw.License()

# Open documents and compare them
original = aw.Document("C:\\Temp\\original.docx")
changed = aw.Document("C:\\Temp\\changed.docx"), "test","C:\\Temp\\out.docx")