.Net 2.0 in next release?

Will the pdf.kit support VS 2005 and .Net 2.0 in the next release? Currently, the following lines of code return the following exception for the EncryptFile command. The inFile and outFile variables are specifying the file names using the absolut path.

Dim fileSecurity As PdfFileSecurity = New PdfFileSecurity(inFile, outFile)fileSecurity.EncryptFile(“userpass”, “ownerpass”, PdfPrivilege.AllowAll, True)

The type initializer for ‘xeb116a323308e2f7.x7759a935a2782a02’ threw an exception.


Dear Bryan,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

Does the kit work or the problem occur under VS2003 on your machine ? because I want to know if the bug is a problem within source code or compatibility of platform.
On our side,We are testing the kit on VS2005 to locate the problem.

Best regards.

Actually I get a different error in VS 2003. I am getting the following:

ex.Message: "Process performance counter is disabled, so the requested operation cannot be performed."

This usually happens during the creation of the first pdf. A partial pdf is left over after the error message, but it cannot be opened. Acrobat says it is corrupt.


Dear Bryan,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

Which version is the kit you use? If the kit isn’t version1.1, you can download the latest msi, and try again. If the kit is already the latest, we’ll consider releasing a hotfix.

Best regards.

I am currently using version, runtime version v1.1.4322.

Dear Bryan,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

The hotfix was released, you can download it from Downloads.

Best regards.