.Net 5 support

Hello. Please help me to understand.
Documntaion said that Aspose supports .Net Standard 2.0 and as the result support all .Net 5 6 7
This page confirms that System Requirements|Aspose.Words for .NET

But if I install latest 23.10 then I got worning message that target framework 5 was not tested. It’s up to you to handle this risk and etc

So questuon is … .If latest releases support .net 5 or not?

Thank you

@vabrutski Yes, .NET 5 is an implementation of .NET Standard 2.0 so you can safely use Aspose.Words for .NET Standard 2.0 in your .NET 5 application.

Thank you. Just in case. When I buil dprject I get this warrning

System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource 7.0.0 doesn't support $(TargetFramework) and has not been tested with it. Consider upgrading your TargetFramework to net6.0 or later. You may also set <SuppressTfmSupportBuildWarnings>true</SuppressTfmSupportBuildWarnings> in the project file to ignore this warning and attempt to run in this unsupported configuration at your own risk.

If I got you right it’s safe to ignore it?

@vabrutski I do not see such warning upon using Aspose.Words in .NET5 application. Also, Aspose.Words for .NET Standard 2.0 does not have dependency on System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource 7.0.0. Upon installing I see the following list of dependencies:

So it looks like the mentioned warning is causes by some other dependency in your application.