Hi All,
I was wondering to ask before purchase to be ensure that Aspose PSD is fully supported with .net 6+.
Our development and deployment required to implement our services based on .net core and run it on linux image.
I’ve tried Aspose samples but they are all using .net framework v4 and required windows machine to run.
Is there any possibility to run it on Mac/Linux based machine and if yes is there any limitation on it?
@MoeMollaei .Net 6 Aspose.PSD artifact works quite fine on Linux. All our free apps are working under the Linux and on .Net 6 version of the Library. Under the Linux can be issues with the fonts, it’s possible that you have to add fonts to the specific folders which can be different for the different Linux-based OS. Apose.PSD .Net 6 works fine on the MacOS (was tested on ARM version) We regularly try to fix this for every Linux, but it’s possible that issues still can be on some of them.
For example:
Create, Edit or Convert PSD & PSB files to PDF & image formats | products.aspose.com (block with the built-in apps)
Create, Edit or Convert PSD & PSB files to PDF & image formats
@DmitriySorokin Thank you for your reply.
What I have faced when I tried to export psd file using multiple layers using Aspose sample placed on Github repo, with my M1 machine I got error GIDP is not supported and then tried same code on windows it ran without issue so I was afraid it might be using windows library.
All we need is creating layers, adding raster mask on them and export it as psd.
I’d be appreciate if you have any example to share which is covering above matter using .net 6.
Thanks for your replay in advance.
@MoeMollaei Please try the following code on the initializing of you project: System.AppContext.SetSwitch(“System.Drawing.EnableUnixSupport”, true);
Thank you for sharing, it worked on Mac OS.
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