[.Net] PDF conversion using margins and tables

Hi Aspose team,

we are currently experiencing an issue with tables inside a document when changing the documents margins. In the past, we already had an issue with this, which was solved by calling UpdateTableLayout. See this issue: https://forum.aspose.com/t/pdf-conversion-with-margins-and-tables-in-doc-files/18614/3

Now, the above method is causing issues for another customer of us with his documents. If the documents left and right margins are set to 1.5 cm and doc.UpdateTableLayout(); is used, the document output looks different than expected:
The last column will be rendered in two rows instead of one row. If you save the document as docx instead of pdf it looks fine in MS Word, so I assume this is a problem in the pdf rendering process. If the pdf is rendered with word instead, this problem also does not occure.
Without calling UpdateTableLayout() this isn´t a problem, but as mentioned above we need this to “fix” the older issue.

I attached you the word document with the outputs. This is the code we use to set the margins:

var doc = new Document(@"S:\in.docx");

var pageSetup = new DocumentBuilder(doc).PageSetup;

pageSetup.RightMargin = 42.5;  // 1,5 cm
pageSetup.LeftMargin = 42.5;  // 1,5 cm

// Update Tables to new borders

doc.Save(@"S:\out.doc", SaveFormat.Docx);
doc.Save(@"S:\out.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf);

example.zip (202.6 KB)

Kind Regards,


Thanks for your inquiry. We have tested the scenario and have managed to reproduce the same issue at our side. For the sake of correction, we have logged this problem in our issue tracking system as WORDSNET-16492. You will be notified via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.

We apologize for your inconvenience.

Hi @tahir.manzoor,

I recognized that the issue status has been changed to postponed. Is there any information why it got postponed? Is there a possibility to speed up the process if we would switch to the paid support plan (we currently have developer oem license with standard support)?

Kind regards,


Thanks for your inquiry. We regret to share with you that the issue (WORDSNET-16492) has been postponed due to missing feature WORDSNET-832 (Make table layout as close to Word as possible) which is related to it.

After the fix of WORDSNET-832, our product team will look into this issue. We will be sure to inform you via this forum thread as soon as this feature is available. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Thanks for your feedback @tahir.manzoor. Regarding my question with the paid support plan, would an upgrade to the paid support be a legit way to speed up the process in case we will need a fast fix?

Kind regards,


Thanks for your inquiry. Our product team is actively working on WORDSNET-832. This is very complex feature that is related to your issue. Unfortunately, the responsible developer cannot commit any ETA at the moment for your issue. We apologize for your inconvenience.


I wanted to ask if there is any feedback regarding this issue or WORDSNET-832 (as I cannot see this related item)?

Kind regards,


Thanks for your inquiry. We have planned this issue for fix. Unfortunately, we can not share any ETA at the moment. However, we will be sure to inform you via this forum thread once there is any update available on this issue. Thanks for your patience.


may I ask if there yet any update regarding your plannings and the issues estimation so far?

Kind regards,


Thanks for your inquiry. We regret to share with you that the ETA of this issue is not available at the moment. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Hi Tahir,

as we really would appreciate a bugfix for this issue in the near future may I ask if this can be acclerated by switching to the paid support levels instead of the free support? I already tried getting an answer to this in the purchase forums but they told me to ask you first. So is there a chance that bug will get fixed soon, if we upgrade to the paid support?

Kind regards,


Thanks for your inquiry. The underlying problem here is complex and involves many internal tests as well. This issue is already top of the queue. Unfortunately, the paid support will not make it faster. We will inform you via this forum thread once there is any update available on this issue.

We apologize for your inconvenience.


I have another document suffering from similar issues, see attachments. out.pdf is created with the following code:

var doc = new Document@"S:\doc.docx"

The other PDF is created with word.

If more files help you I can upload some variants of the first document (those are several documents which mostly look the same but have been generated individually so they all suffer in a “different” way). Just let me know if more example files will help and I will upload them, too.

Kind Regards,

files.zip (463.8 KB)


Thanks for your inquiry. We have tested the scenario and have managed to reproduce the same issue at our side. For the sake of correction, we have logged this problem in our issue tracking system as WORDSNET-17306. You will be notified via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.

We apologize for your inconvenience.


I wanted to ask if there are any plans when your teams will check the issue again as this still is reproducable and we have several customers with this issue and wait for an update for almost two years now.

I guess all related Issues with tables we know of are

  • WORDSNET-832 (that´s one of those you have mentioned)
  • WORDSNET-16492
  • WORDSNET-17306
  • maybe also WORDSNET-18880 and WORDSNET-18881 (I wrote a separate reply in the related topic)

We really would appreciate if you could check them again if there is a chance to fix them.

Kind Regards,


Unfortunately, there is no update available on these issues. These issues have been postponed (no estimate is available at the moment). We will be sure to inform you via this forum thread as soon as your issues are resolved.

We apologize for your inconvenience.

Hello there. I am new here. Interesting thread, thanks :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


since the UpdateTableLayout method has been deprecated and I saw a lot of fixes in the recent releases I checked the issues mentioned in here again and wants to give an Update:

WORDSNET-16492 still is behaving wrong, when calling UpdateTableLayout but behaves correctly if we don´t. As it´s deprecated you may close the ticket.
WORDSNET-17306 seems to behave correctly in both cases, if you call the method and if you don´t. You may close this as well.

Thanks for your help,

@Serraniel Thank you for your feedback. Yes, in the recent versions we have made another step in improvement of our table layout algorithm and we are keep working on it. It is perfect that the issue you have encountered earlier are no longer reproducible.