New NuGet References with Aspose Words 24.4.0

Hi all,
with the update to v24.4.0 on .NET 4.8 we are getting a couple of new references added to our solution:


Once installed they have been updated to


Is this correct?

I do not have warnings as others do but I would like to understand hy we should include in our project references to old out of support framework libraries.


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Hi there… you will probably have seen my own question along the same lines. Our own solution is already using all the System dlls that were added in Aspose.Words 24.4 so those won’t cause us any problems; they’re already included in our distribution. With regard to the SkiaSharp DLLs … Our software is written for 64-bit Windows machines so I suspect that we would only need to include the SkiaSharp dll itself, not the NativeAssets ones, but I would appreciate it if someone from Aspose could confirm that here.

Also… There are a lot of packages that are built against these System dlls, and often different packages are built against different versions of those. So far we’ve been able to get away with upgrading all packages to their latest builds and perhaps add redirects in .config files where needed

@WileECoyoteIT Starting from 24.4 version of Aspose.Words .NET 4.6.2 version of Aspose.Words has a dependency on SkiaSharp. This was done in order to support WebP image format.

Aspose.Words requires SkiaSharp 2.88.6 or newer. In our tests we rely on 2.88.6 version, but you are free to update to newer version of SkiaSharp if it is required.


Older versions of SkiaSharp included native assets into the main package. Now SkiaSharp has dependency on native assets package. SkiaSharp is actually a wrapper around native Skia dlls, so it will not work without an appropriate native dll.

recompiling the solution (x64) i get the same warning of @kidkeogh

XXXXXXXXXXXXXX\SkiaSharp.NativeAssets.macOS.2.88.8\build\net462....\runtimes\osx\native\libSkiaSharp.dylib’ could not be found.

Can you please let me know why I am getting this warning?


@WileECoyoteIT Please see the following topic where the warning is discussed

It is actually related to SkiaSharp not to Aspose.Words itself.