New Release 1.6 and Its Hotfixes

Dear Customers, We have released Aspose.Word 1.6. This release includes the long awaited feature for DOC to PDF conversion (requires Aspose.Pdf). For the list of new features please see What’s New. To download click here. You can try the updated Aspose.Word.Demos that include both DOC and PDF documents. For description and code example how to use DOC to PDF conversion, please see Aspose.Word.SaveFormat. For additional information see DOC to PDF Release Notes. We hope you enjoy the product.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.6.1 hotfix.

This is just a collection of fixes and enhancements requested by several customers:

  1. Inserting text with line into tables during mail merge now works okay.
  2. Several form form fields in one paragraph are now supported.
  3. Made loading of EMF pictures more resillient (had some badly formed files).
  4. MailMerge.RemoveEmptyParagraphs now removes the paragraph only if the whole paragraph is empty (not when just one field is empty).

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.6.2 hotfix and full installer.

In this version we’ve made the installer to automatically create IIS virtual directories for the demo projects.

We’ve also included compiled binaries of the demo projects in the installer so you can run them straight after installation without compiling them.

The installer creates Start / Programs / Aspose.Word program group and it contains shortcuts for launching the demo applications and for opening the demo projects in Visual Studio .NET.

The virtual directories created automatically by the installer are:
Aspose.Word.Demos for \Aspose\Aspose.Word\Demos\Aspose.Word.Demos
Aspose.Word.Demos.VisualBasic for \Aspose\Aspose.Word\Demos\Aspose.Word.Demos.VisualBasic folder.

The installer creates shortcuts to run the demos in Internet Explorer, the shortcuts are:
http://localhost/Aspose.Word.Demos to run the C# demo or
http://localhost/Aspose.Word.Demos.VisualBasic to run the VisualBasic demo.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.6.3 hotfix and full installer.

In this version:

  1. Switched namespace obfuscation off as it was causing problems for customers who create namespaces such as “dk.something” or “ca.something”.
  2. Fixed a performance issue that was slowing down mail merge operations.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.6.4 hotfix.

In this version there is a number of various fixes:

  1. Images inserted programmatically are now visible on Word 97 and WordViewer.
  2. VBA projects are now preserved properly.
  3. Fixed an exception when a merge field was wrapped into a bookmark.
  4. Better support for right-to-left (Arabic) documents, although not all issues are resolved yet.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.6.5 hotfix.

This is just another collection of enhancements and fixes:

  1. Added DocumentBuilder.StartBookmark and EndBookmark methods that allow you to create bookmarks inside a document.
  2. Added support for datetime and number formatting in merge fields using @ and # switches.
  3. Fixed parsing of deeply nested tables.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.6.6 hotfix.

This fixes the issues when creating many lists using DocumentBuilder in quick succession. They were assigned the same list id and caused confusion in MS Word.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.6.7 hotfix.

Added DocumentBuilder.MoveToBookmark that allows to navigate to positions before or after bookmark start or end.

Added DocumentBuilder.InsertField method that allows to insert Word fields into the document.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.6.9 hotfix.

Added MailMerge.MappedDataFields collection that allows to automatically map field names in your data source to mail merge field names in the document.

Fixed the issue when form fields sometimes lose their field names after editing the document in MS Word 2003.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.6.10 hotfix.

In this version:

  1. Better support for spacing between words when integrating with latest Aspose.Pdf.
  2. Added DocumentBuilder.InsertTextInput to allow inserting text form fields into documents.
  3. Added Section.DeleteHeaderFooterShapes to allow deleting free-floating shapes from documents (to remove watermarks for example).
  4. Updated online documentation.

I am trying to convert one word document with several pictures. It did convert most of the content but the images are blacked out (except one). Could you please tell me how to fix this?

I downloaded the latest word and pdf today and used the sample code on the forum to do the conversion.

If you need, I can send you the document.


This issue is caused by Aspose.Pdf, they are working on it.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.6.11 hotfix.

In this version:

  1. Fixed “Number of list names does not match the number of lists.” exception caused by a strange layout of a file.
  2. Made inserted images to preserve their size correctly. Note that EMF and WMF images might still appear of different size in the document due to poor documentation of the format. In these cases you need to specify image height and width explicitly when inserting the image.