New Release 1.7 and its Hotfixes

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.7.

Essentially, this is just a wrap up of enhancements and fixes released since 1.6.

Most important new feature is the ability ot insert bookmarks, fields and form fields using DocumentBuilder.

To download click here.

When did Aspose.Word start requiring .NET version 1.1?

According to .NET 1.0 is all that’s required.

This is an issue for us, our application needs to run under .NET 1.0.


Hi Trevor,

We started to target .NET Framework 1.1 since Aspose.Word 1.6. Sorry the requirements page was not updated.

You should be able to edit your application configuration file and make Aspose.Word target .NET Framework 1.0 as described in MSDN article Targeting a .NET Framework Version.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.7.1 hotfix.

  1. Improved list formatting when integrating with Aspose.Pdf. Support for indentation, restart numbering, different bullets.
  2. Support hyperlinks when integrating with Aspose.Pdf. Hyperlinks both inside a document to bookmarks and external links to urls are correctly recreated in the PDF document.
  3. Fixed STG_E_FILENOTFOUND thrown for some .doc files.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.7.2 hotfix.

Fixed the issue with page numbers restarting at section boundaries. They used to restart at zero.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.7.4 hotfix and full installer.

In this version:

  1. Export in HTML format is now supported. Use Document.Save with SaveFormat.FormatHtml.
  2. Updated C# and online demos to output in HTML format.
  3. Fix: Non-English characters lose bold and italic formatting when saving in PDF format.
  4. Fix: Reading of some old format OLE2 objects.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.7.5 hotfix.

In this version:

  1. Fixed NullReferenceException thrown when saving a Word document. This is only applicable if you used an evaluation license and your normal character style had some shading set explicitly (even empty shading).
  2. Allow multiple paragraphs inside text form fields.
  3. Custom bullet characters are now correctly output into PDF, you need to use latest Aspose.Pdf for this too.
  4. Images can now take 100% width of the page when saving in PDF format.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.7.6 hotfix.

In this version:

  1. Allow inserting and removing text that contains multiple paragraphs into form fields. Previous version was just letting multiparagraph text in form fields to pass from input to output document.
  2. Added DocumentBuilder.EndTable method that you should (but not required) to call at the end of a table. Calling this method explicitly moves the cursor out of the table.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.7.7 hotfix.

In this version:

  1. Added DocumentBuilder.DeleteRow method to delete rows from tables in the documents.
  2. Added DocumentBuilder.InsertHyperlink which is basically a shortcut to DocumentBuilder.InsertField to insert hyperlinks easily.

I just started using the Aspose.Word evaluation assembly today, and I’m pretty sure I ran into a bug. I’ll bet that’s what many users say when they’re doing something wrong, though, so I’ll let you decide for yourselves:

Using a letter size (8.5 x 11in = 612 x 792pt) page, the DocumentBuilder.PageSetup.PageWidth and DocumentBuilder.PageSetup.PageHeight are reversed…

I added a Watch on the DocumentBuilder.PageSetup object in debug, and the following items are of interest to the situation:

Orientation: Portrait
PageHeight: 612
PageWidth: 792

Note that this would make the width larger than the height, like Landscape mode, but the Orientation is clearly set to Portrait mode.

Also note that I’m using the latest hotfixed dll.

Jeremy Rosenberg

Thanks, I’ve just fixed this and it will go out in the next hotfix early next week.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.7.9 hotfix.

There is a number of enhancements and fixes in this version:

  1. Existing protection password is no longer changed by Aspose.Word when protecting the document.
  2. ?? characters instead of spaces when inserting a form field with default text is fixed.
  3. MailMerge.RemoveEmptyParagraphs causing table to become corrupted is fixed.
  4. Group shapes are now supported.

Dear Customers,

We have released Aspose.Word 1.7.10 hotfix.

Made fixes to stop MS Word crashing on opening Aspose.Word generated documents that contain textboxes in group shapes.