No output is dispalyed

'Load template file
Dim template As OmrTemplate = OmrTemplate.Load(“C:\Users\Mariel\Desktop\examchecker\Grids.amr”)

'Load the image to be analyzed
Dim image As OmrImage = OmrImage.Load(“C:\Users\Mariel\Desktop\examchecker\Grids-filled-scan.png”)

'Instantiate the recognition engine for the template
Dim engine As OmrEngine = New OmrEngine(template)

'Extract data. This template has only one page.
Dim result As OmrProcessingResult = engine.ExtractData(New OmrImage() {image})

'Load actual result from
Dim OmrResult As Hashtable = result.PageData(0)

'Get collection of keys
Dim Key As ICollection = OmrResult.Keys

For Each k As String In Key
Console.WriteLine(k + ": " + OmrResult(Key))

Hi Mariel,

Thank you for your inquiry.

Please, forward us the sample OMR temple file along with the scanned OMR image that you used. We will try to reproduce and investigate the issue and update you accordingly.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.