NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.aspose.words.zzW5K

We have an error when converting RTF to PDF with Aspose: aspose-words-22.3-jdk17.jar
The jar is in a SpringBoot2 app in folder /WEB-INF/lib and there is no other Aspose Jar in classpath

Document document = new Document(RTFinputStream);, SaveFormat.PDF);
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.aspose.words.zzW5K
    at com.aspose.words.zzXu5.zzWOc(Unknown Source) ~[aspose-words-22.3-jdk17.jar:22.3.0]
    at com.aspose.words.zzZXZ.zzWOc(Unknown Source) ~[aspose-words-22.3-jdk17.jar:22.3.0]
    at com.aspose.words.zzZw3.zzWOc(Unknown Source) ~[aspose-words-22.3-jdk17.jar:22.3.0]
    at com.aspose.words.zzZw3.zzWWu(Unknown Source) ~[aspose-words-22.3-jdk17.jar:22.3.0]
    at com.aspose.words.Document.zzWOc(Unknown Source) ~[aspose-words-22.3-jdk17.jar:22.3.0]
    at com.aspose.words.Document.zzYn3(Unknown Source) ~[aspose-words-22.3-jdk17.jar:22.3.0]
    at com.aspose.words.Document.<init>(Unknown Source) ~[aspose-words-22.3-jdk17.jar:22.3.0]
    at com.aspose.words.Document.<init>(Unknown Source) ~[aspose-words-22.3-jdk17.jar:22.3.0]
    at com.aspose.words.Document.<init>(Unknown Source) ~[aspose-words-22.3-jdk17.jar:22.3.0]
    at ch.uniqa.billing.service.rtf.AsposeRtfToPdfConverter.convertToPdf( ~[classes/:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT]

Any idea of the issue?
We see the obfuscated com.aspose.words.zzW5K in aspose-words-22.3-jdk17.jar

@otrillon Could you please attach the problematic document that will allow us to reproduce the problem here for testing? We will check the issue and provide you more information.

rtf document is generated on the fly (result of velocity template merge. I need to adapt code to save rtf. Will attach document when code adapted and deployed

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