I expect to have a filename like “Comunicazione Cambio Indirizzo PEC Cilento Reti Gas_Società di Vendita.pdf” instead of “Comunicazione Cambio Indirizzo PEC Cilento Reti Gas_Societ� di Vendita.pdf”.
It seems that “Societ=EF=BF=BD” is not correctly converted into string. Maybe some Encoding conversion issues?
private void TestEMLBis()
byte[] EML = File.ReadAllBytes(@"c:\temp\234069.eml");
EmlLoadOptions lo = new EmlLoadOptions();
lo.PreserveTnefAttachments = true;
lo.PrefferedTextEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
MailMessage mm;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(EML))
mm = MailMessage.Load(ms, lo);
Attachment att = mm.Attachments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.ToLower() == "postacert.eml".ToLower());
MailMessage messaggioCertificato = MailMessage.Load(att.ContentStream, lo);
//Here att2 is null because "Comunicazione Cambio Indirizzo PEC Cilento Reti Gas_Societ? di Vendita.pdf" is different from “Comunicazione Cambio Indirizzo PEC Cilento Reti Gas_Societ� di Vendita.pdf”
Attachment att2 = messaggioCertificato.Attachments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.ToLower() == "Comunicazione Cambio Indirizzo PEC Cilento Reti Gas_Societ? di Vendita.pdf".ToLower());
Remember that the character that should have been saved is this: “à”
Thank you
this is not the problem. The test source code above is for understand the problem. In our system the mail is saved on DB in this way:
client.SaveMessage(msg.UniqueId, $@"{messagePath}\{msg.UniqueId}.eml");
byte[] imapRawMessage;
MailMessage imapParsedMessage;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
client.SaveMessage(msg.UniqueId, ms);
imapRawMessage = ms.ToArray();
imapParsedMessage = MailMessage.Load(ms);
//Controlla la presenza nell'intestazione del campo X-Ricevuta
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imapParsedMessage.Headers["X-Ricevuta"])) //Se il campo non è presente, allora si tratta di una mail
childLogger.LogPecController(taskID, $"Messaggio identificato come POSTA IN INGRESSO", LogControllerModelDirezioneEnum.Ricezione, mbx.Mailbox.ID, idMail);
//Genera il model della mail da salvare
MailModel mailToSave = childMailService.CreateModelFromEML(imapRawMessage);
mailToSave.DataRicezione = DateTime.Now;
mailToSave.ServerUniqueID = idMail;
//Imposta la cartella in cui salvarla
switch (mailToSave.EnumTipoMail)
case MailModelTipoMailEnum.Certificata: //Nel caso di posta certificata
childLogger.LogPecController(taskID, $"Messaggio di posta certificata", LogControllerModelDirezioneEnum.Ricezione, mbx.Mailbox.ID, idMail);
mailToSave.FolderID = childFolderService.GetFolderByRole(FolderModelRuoloEnum.Inbox).ID;
mailToSave.IsCertificata = true;
case MailModelTipoMailEnum.NoCertificata: //Nel caso di posta non certificata
childLogger.LogPecController(taskID, $"Messaggio di posta non certificata", LogControllerModelDirezioneEnum.Ricezione, mbx.Mailbox.ID, idMail);
mailToSave.FolderID = childFolderService.GetFolderByRole(FolderModelRuoloEnum.NotCertified).ID;
mailToSave.IsCertificata = false;
newID = mailToSave.ID;
where class of “client” is Aspose.Email.Client.Imap.ImapClient.
The problem is that on the DB the name of the attachment is this:
“Comunicazione Cambio Indirizzo PEC Cilento Reti Gas_Societ? di Vendita.pdf”
Therefore the equality between the two strings is not verified.
We cannot change the EML, It seems that “Societ=EF=BF=BD” is not correctly converted into string.
The correct string should be “Società”, neither “Societ?” nor “Societ�”.
I have further investigated the issue on our end and an issue with ID EMAILNET-39437 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.
I request you to please try using latest Aspose.Email for .NET 19.4 on your end to kindly observe the issue. If there is still an issue please feel free to share with us.
This is because, ContentId strings “0”, “1”, “2” cannot be uniquely identified as attachment. If we try to find ContentId(“0”, “1”, “2”) in BodyHtml these values are usually present in a large data. Therefore, in these cases IsInlineAttachmentCheck result is true, although it is not so. If we need to check ContentId in BodyHtml we need to use “cid:” prefix as shared above.
Please accept my apology for this. We have internally verified the issue and this issue may concern to UTF8 conversion, if you convert UTF8 string to ASCII before save to DB, or DB engine convert it automatically if field type is not unicode.
foreach (var a in messaggioCertificato.Attachments)
var utf8bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(a.Name);
var win1252Bytes = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1252"), utf8bytes);
You can get this result:
Comunicazione Cambio Indirizzo PEC Cilento Reti Gas_Societ� di Vendita.pdf
Comunicazione Cambio Indirizzo PEC Cilento Reti Gas_Societ? di Vendita.pdf