We have a fillable PDF, which when a checkbox within the PDF is selected, it displays additional fields. Using Aspose, we are able to select the checkbox, and populate the additional fields, but when viewing the PDF, the additional fields are not displayed. In order to view them, we must de-select and then reselect the checkbox, which then displays the additional (now populated) fields. Is the ability to trigger events in PDFs something that is being worked on?
Can you please share your sample PDF and sample code snippet for our reference so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.
FDP_CR_2020_revised_1_11_21.pdf (6.6 MB)
Page four of the attached document contains four checkbox options which hide or display additional fields depending on the selection. Our system populates these checkboxes depending on what information has been used in our system. However, when viewing the document, the checkbox displays as selected, but the additional options are not displayed.
As requested earlier, can you also please share the sample code snippet that you are using to populate the checkboxes so that we can test the scenario accordingly.
The following sample code should select the “Human Subjects” checkbox and populate the resulting “IRB” dropdown with the value “Prior to execution of this agreement”
pushFieldAndValue("HumanSubjects", "Yes");
pushFieldAndValue("IRBDrop", "Prior to execution of this agreement");
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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-55045
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