this is my code :
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
CellsApi cellsApi = new CellsApi(AppKey, AppSid);
StorageApi storageApi = new StorageApi(AppKey, AppSid);
int random = new Random().Next(100);
String fileName = “Sampldfdsfdzxf” + random + “.pdf”;
String templateFile = “1.xstl”;
String dataFile = “1.xml”;
String templateType = “xml”;
byte[] file = null;
String storage = null;
String folder = null;
PDFService p = new PDFService(AppSid, AppKey);
string apiUrl = string.Format(@“pdf/{0}?templateFile={1}&dataFile={2}&templateType={3}&storage={4}&folder={5}”,
fileName, templateFile, dataFile, templateType, storage, folder);
JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(ServiceController.Put(apiUrl, AppSid, AppKey));
PDFDocumentResponse pdfDocumentResponse = jObject.ToObject();
pdfDocumentResponse = p.CreateNewDocument(fileName, PDFTemplateType.Xml, templateFile, dataFile, null);
var dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/"));
FileStream f = new FileStream(dir + “text.pdf”, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
String fieldName = “textbox1”;
Com.Aspose.PDF.Model.Field body = new Com.Aspose.PDF.Model.Field();
body.Name = “textbox1”;
body.Values = new List { “Aspose” };
PdfApi papi = new PdfApi(AppKey,AppSid);
DocumentPagesResponse apiResponse = papi.PutAddNewPage(fileName, storage, folder);
with this code my getting blank pdf with 2 pages. how to use data files and write data to the pdf?