In the attached template, some Excel functions and some UDF custom functions do not calculate.
Add class CalculationEngine implementingGridAbstractCalculationEngine to gridjs-demo-.netcore demo project.
public override void Calculate(GridCalculationData data)
var functionName = data.FunctionName.ToUpper();
switch (functionName)
if (data.ParamCount == 0)
data.CalculatedValue = data.SheetName;
else if (data.GetParamValue(0) is GridReferredArea area)
data.CalculatedValue = area.SheetName;
data.CalculatedValue = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm");
Add CalculationEngine instance on startup:
var ce = new CalculationEngine();
GridJsWorkbook.CalculateEngine = ce;
Issues on each sheet
Hyperlinks not working for cells:
B5, B6, B8, B10, B12, B14, B15, B16, B17, B18, B19, B22
B18, Now function not run.
Unable to open embedded OLE object
Filters, CalculationChain, Error Values, Hides, inputs, Designer Protection, etc
None of the functions run
I am having the same issue when I change DetailFileJsonWithUid to
public ActionResult DetailFileJsonWithUid(string filename, string uid)
String file = Path.Combine(TestConfig.ListDir, filename);
GridJsWorkbook wbj = new GridJsWorkbook();
GridWorkbookSettings setting = new GridWorkbookSettings
ReCalculateOnOpen = true
wbj.Settings = setting;
//check if already in cache
StringBuilder sb = wbj.GetJsonByUid(uid, filename);
if (sb == null)
Workbook wb = new Workbook(file);
wb.Settings.FormulaSettings.CalculateOnOpen = true;
wbj.ImportExcelFile(uid, wb);
sb = wbj.ExportToJsonStringBuilder(filename);
return Content(sb.ToString(), "text/plain", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
Here is a screenshot of the filters worksheet
Thanks for the screenshot and updated code segment.
We will evaluate your code segment and get back to you with further details/findings.
Innore all this. I just realized all functions were commented out. Sorry about that!
one more ,for the ole object ,
we’ve add a feature request to support it.
1 Like
@Moonglum the ole related feture is supported in 23.1 version now ,
you shall add xs.setOleDownloadInfo(oleDownloadUrl); in html page
and add the related action in controller.cs
//get ole object /GridJs2/Ole
public ActionResult Ole()
int oleid = int.Parse(HttpContext.Request.Query[“id”]);
string uid = HttpContext.Request.Query[“uid”];
string sheet = HttpContext.Request.Query[“sheet”];
GridJsWorkbook gwb = new GridJsWorkbook();
string filename;
byte[] filebyte = gwb.GetOle(uid, sheet, oleid, out filename);
if (filename != null)
FileContentResult ret = new FileContentResult(filebyte, GetMimeType(filename));
ret.FileDownloadName = filename;
return ret;
return NotFound();
please check our latest demo in github
we can click the ole shape object to download the embedded OLE object