Not all excel functions nor custom UDF functions execute in GridJs

In the attached template, some Excel functions and some UDF custom functions do not calculate.

Add class CalculationEngine implementingGridAbstractCalculationEngine to gridjs-demo-.netcore demo project.


    public override void Calculate(GridCalculationData data)
        var functionName = data.FunctionName.ToUpper();
        switch (functionName)
            case "DCREFERSTOSHEETNAME":
                if (data.ParamCount == 0)
                    data.CalculatedValue = data.SheetName;
                else if (data.GetParamValue(0) is GridReferredArea area)
                    data.CalculatedValue = area.SheetName;
                data.CalculatedValue = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm");

Add CalculationEngine instance on startup:

        var ce = new CalculationEngine();
        GridJsWorkbook.CalculateEngine = ce;

Issues on each sheet
Hyperlinks not working for cells:
B5, B6, B8, B10, B12, B14, B15, B16, B17, B18, B19, B22
B18, Now function not run.
Unable to open embedded OLE object
Filters, CalculationChain, Error Values, Hides, inputs, Designer Protection, etc
None of the functions run

  1. I can reproduce the hyperlinks issue, we 've raise a ticket CELLSGRIDJS-699 to track on this issue
  2. the calculation issue,
    it not run ,because wb.Settings.FormulaSettings.CalculateOnOpen is false.
    you can set in the workbook object
    wb.Settings.FormulaSettings.CalculateOnOpen to true
    or in controller action:
    like this:
    GridWorkbookSettings setting = new GridWorkbookSettings();
    setting.ReCalculateOnOpen = true;
    wbj.Settings = setting;
    then the function will calculated.

I am having the same issue when I change DetailFileJsonWithUid to

public ActionResult DetailFileJsonWithUid(string filename, string uid)
String file = Path.Combine(TestConfig.ListDir, filename);
GridJsWorkbook wbj = new GridJsWorkbook();

GridWorkbookSettings setting = new GridWorkbookSettings
	ReCalculateOnOpen = true
wbj.Settings = setting;

//check if already in cache
StringBuilder sb = wbj.GetJsonByUid(uid, filename);
if (sb == null)
	Workbook wb = new Workbook(file);
	wb.Settings.FormulaSettings.CalculateOnOpen = true;
	wbj.ImportExcelFile(uid, wb);
	sb = wbj.ExportToJsonStringBuilder(filename);

return Content(sb.ToString(), "text/plain", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

Here is a screenshot of the filters worksheet


Thanks for the screenshot and updated code segment.

We will evaluate your code segment and get back to you with further details/findings.

Innore all this. I just realized all functions were commented out. Sorry about that!


one more ,for the ole object ,
we’ve add a feature request to support it.

1 Like

@Moonglum the ole related feture is supported in 23.1 version now ,
you shall add xs.setOleDownloadInfo(oleDownloadUrl); in html page
and add the related action in controller.cs
//get ole object /GridJs2/Ole
public ActionResult Ole()
int oleid = int.Parse(HttpContext.Request.Query[“id”]);
string uid = HttpContext.Request.Query[“uid”];
string sheet = HttpContext.Request.Query[“sheet”];
GridJsWorkbook gwb = new GridJsWorkbook();
string filename;
byte[] filebyte = gwb.GetOle(uid, sheet, oleid, out filename);
if (filename != null)
FileContentResult ret = new FileContentResult(filebyte, GetMimeType(filename));
ret.FileDownloadName = filename;
return ret;
return NotFound();

please check our latest demo in github
we can click the ole shape object to download the embedded OLE object