Not getting the expected results

I have a win form app that will hit the DB for a list of params to pass on the end of a URL. I am using the WebBrowser object and loading each URL + Params into the object.

void webBrowserLogin_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
// uses the Aspose.Pdf library…
Pdf myPDF = new Pdf();
Aspose.Pdf.License myLicense = new Aspose.Pdf.License();
File.Delete(@“C:\Projects\BulkReviews” + _userName + " - " + _reviewPeriodName + “.pdf”);
myPDF.Save(@“C:\Projects\BulkReviews” + _userName + " - " + _reviewPeriodName + “.pdf”);

The page produced has inline CSS as well as a reference to an external CSS. It also has a header bar with 2 images.

When I look at the PDF produced All of the images and CSS is absent.



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HTML2PDF is Beta version. Complexed HTML and CSS is not supported. We are working on improving this feature. Sorry for the inconvenience.