Hi Team,
I try to use Aspose.Note.dll to transform onenote files to PDF.
I used the flowing code.
Document file = new Document(srcPath);
catch (Exception e)
And a NotSupportedException was caught.
–This version of file dose not supported.
Hi Chen,
However, we have logged these issues in our issue tracking system as follows:
File Name: To-Do.one
NOTENET-480 - Not supported exception message while loading OneNote document
File Name: Volunteering.one
NOTENET-481 - Not supported exception message while loading OneNote document
Your request has also been linked to these issues. We’ll keep you informed regarding any available updates. We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Hi Chen,
Thank you for being patient. From the specifics of ticket id NOTENET-481, please provide other details of the OneNote file version. It appears as the file is created by an old version of OneNote tool. Please clarify that what kind of tools you have used to create this file.
I am not sure which version the files are. Maybe they are created by OneNote 2007.
Now, I use OneNote 2010 create a file and Save as “OneNote 2007 section(*.one)”.
It has the same exception.
Which version dose Aspose support now?