Number formats for value axes (Java)

When displaying values in a mixed type chart (two vertical bars as whole numbers against the left y-axis, a line as a percentage against the right y-axis), the data labels display correctly, but the number formats for the axes don’t…despite debug statements that would seem to indicate they’re correct.

For this snippet -
// there’s one chart on this slide, a series of mixed types
if (shape instanceof IChart) {
IChart chart = (IChart) shape;
IAxesManager axes = chart.getAxes();
IAxis yaxis1 = axes.getVerticalAxis();
logger.debug("Number format axis 1 is " + yaxis1.getNumberFormat());
IAxis yaxis2 = axes.getSecondaryVerticalAxis();
logger.debug("Number format axis 2 is " + yaxis2.getNumberFormat());

the output is
Number format axis 1 is #,##0
Number format axis 2 is 0.00%

…which is acceptable, but numbers on the left axis are showing up as 10000,20000,etc instead of 10,000, 20,000, etc., and the right axis are 0.1, 0.2, etc instead of 10% 20%, even after following the above statements with:


…which seem to have no effect. I cannot find any examples relating to slides for java 19.12, all the questions answered that are similar seem to be for the .NET version.

I mean, it’s easy enough to workaround in PowerPoint manually, but it would be nice to not ask the eventual user of the slides output to have to do this a dozen times for each run?


First I suggest you to please try using latest Aspose.Slides for Java 20.7. In case the issue persists, please provide the source presentation (if any), working example code along with generated output and desired output. We will investigate that that further on our end to help you out.