The following code resets the CultureCustom NumberFormat of the first cell to null:
var wb1 = new Workbook(“NumberFormat.xlsx”);
var ws = wb1.Worksheets[0];
object[,] arr = { { “0.01” } };
var cells = ws.Cells;
var format = cells[0, 0].GetStyle().CultureCustom; // “#,##0_);(#,##0)”
ws.Cells.ImportTwoDimensionArray(arr, 0, 0, true);
var newFormat = cells[0, 0].GetStyle().CultureCustom; // null
This only happens for some number formats; others are correctly kept.
Importing an array should not set the numberformat to null.
Best regards.
Thank you but this does not work either.
newFormat is “0.##” in that case.
As I said, the formats are not always overwritten, they are overwritten in my example case though, so it seems like a bug.
Best regards.
We will get back to you shortly.
Thank you.
Hi John,
We have logged an investigative ticket CELLSNET-43361 to look further into this matter. Please spare us little time to properly analyze your presented scenario to assist you further in this regard. In the meanwhile, we will keep you posted with updates in this regard.
We have fixed your issue now.
Let us know your feedback.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-43361) have been fixed in this update.
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