Nvalid geometry: LinearRing should be closed (first point should equal to the last one)

using (var dataset = Dataset.Open(path, Drivers.FileGdb, options))
    Console.WriteLine("FileGDB has {0} layers", dataset.LayersCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < dataset.LayersCount; ++i)
        Console.WriteLine("Layer {0} name: {1}", i, dataset.GetLayerName(i));

        using (var layer = dataset.OpenLayerAt(i))
            //1.Aspose.Gis.GisException:“Invalid geometry: LinearRing should be closed (first point should equal to the last one)”
            layer.SaveTo($"xx.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, new SavingOptions()
               DriverOptions = new GeoJsonOptions()
                   XYPrecisionModel = PrecisionModel.Rounding(6)

            Console.WriteLine("Layer has {0} features", layer.Count);
            foreach (var feature in layer)
                //2.here  no exception  throw
                //3.how control   XYPrecisionModel?
                var t =  feature.Geometry.AsText(WktVariant.ExtendedPostGis);

code at label1 , will throw exception , but label 3 (feature.Geometry.AsText) no exception, and we can use gdal convert it to geojson success

how control label 3 (feature.Geometry.AsText) XYPrecisionModel? I pass FileGdbOptions in Dataset.Open , it seem not work


Could you please also provide Geodatabase gdb file, so we can evaluate your issue precisely.


It seems. The Input File contains the “invalid geometries by SFA (Simple Feature Access)” . Our library avoids “invalid geometries” on writing. As result, the above code throws the exception. Please try use option ValidateGeometriesOnWrite = false

        layer.SaveTo($"xx.geojson", Drivers.GeoJson, new SavingOptions()
            DriverOptions = new GeoJsonOptions()
                XYPrecisionModel = PrecisionModel.Rounding(6),
                ValidateGeometriesOnWrite = false

please use direct cast to control the precision

 var geometry = (Geometry) feature.Geometry;
 var t = geometry.AsText(WktVariant.ExtendedPostGis, NumericFormat.General(6));

Best Regards

ValidateGeometriesOnWrite = false

still get exception , or can you auto add a point same as first point at end (like gdal)?

geometry.AsText(WktVariant.ExtendedPostGis, NumericFormat.General(6));

it work fine, could you can add it to feature.Geometry will be better?

Thanks for the ideas. I created tasks (GISNET-1330, GISNET-1331) that are easy to implement.

Hi, @lsl

The Ticket (GISNET-1331) have been completed in Aspose.GIS for .NET 22.05 . Please feel free to contact us if you have any other issues or difficulty using the product.