Obj to fbx , missing texture

ObjLoadOptions loadObjOpts = new ObjLoadOptions();
// Import materials from external material library file
loadObjOpts.EnableMaterials = true;
// Flip the coordinate system.
loadObjOpts.FlipCoordinateSystem = true;

        loadObjOpts.LookupPaths = new List<string>(new string[] { @"maps" });

        var document = Aspose.ThreeD.Scene.FromFile(strFile, loadObjOpts);
        document.Name = strID;

        // Initialize FbxSaveOptions class object
        FbxSaveOptions options = new FbxSaveOptions(FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);
        // Generates the legacy material properties.
        options.ExportLegacyMaterialProperties = true;
        // Fold repeated curve data using FBX's animation reference count
        options.FoldRepeatedCurveData = true;
        // Always generates material mapping information for geometries if the attached node contains materials.
        //options.GenerateVertexElementMaterial = true;
        // Configure the look up paths to allow importer to find external dependencies.
        options.LookupPaths = new List<string>(new string[] { "C:/textures" });
        // Generates a video object for texture.
        //options.VideoForTexture = true;
        options.EmbedTextures = true;

        // Save output FBX file
        document.Save(strTargetFile, options);


Can you please share the sample source and generated output files for our reference? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.