Object Reference error while using TextAbsorber

I am getting Object reference not set to an instance of an object. error when use below code to extract text from Test.pdf (749.8 KB).

            TextAbsorber textAbsorber = new TextAbsorber();

It is able to extract first three page’s contant but getting object reference error while extracting 4th page.

Can you let us know what is wrong with page 4?


Can you please share the source of this PDF document that how you have created it? We will further proceed to assist you accordingly. Also, please share the compete stack trace information with us that you are getting with the exception.

File we received from end user and not able to find who it was created?

We are getting below exception,

Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at #=zAVT_PM5qsUpKqNbRjkZoStM12DsVJXHCRcuJgaGCH2mKZgEZwQ==.#=zO$iN5ww0LzuF(Int32 #=zT6zgF6g=, Int32 #=zhTC17rw=, Boolean #=zHmqcHmbypeHrvQJILhg0u0s=, Int32& #=z9EFHlYM=, Int32& #=zDYC7l7SDAlpteIzpgQ==)
at #=zAVT_PM5qsUpKqNbRjkZoStM12DsVJXHCRcuJgaGCH2mKZgEZwQ==.#=z9fi7KvvCbASI(Int32 #=zT6zgF6g=, Int32 #=zhTC17rw=, Boolean #=zHmqcHmbypeHrvQJILhg0u0s=)
at #=zfMWwtI_1KH2CGvHg6TtT1QqbqrCmhb1BNsw5mcZdKh1wv5ExPCCfAVA=.#=z9fi7KvvCbASI(Boolean #=zHmqcHmbypeHrvQJILhg0u0s=)
at #=zvywR6L67s$54JVRt1tZIsOqNTsix9anPKt3KwkT8YJPTJCH3R9LktkE=.#=zn62RAcmZQ_F$(List1 #=z6hMI2D557HIv, Rectangle #=z6An6xz8=, Boolean #=zz2zCOFEPfaxi) at #=zvywR6L67s$54JVRt1tZIsOqNTsix9anPKt3KwkT8YJPTJCH3R9LktkE=..ctor(List1 #=z6hMI2D557HIv, Rectangle #=z6An6xz8=, Boolean #=zz2zCOFEPfaxi)
at #=z5wmixPgpid2CI$g7rMTfGsJJaWEPtqXYcvLugL71kb3bVMNehCLZz_jEpC9w.#=zcrIGaQI=(String #=z$h4yqdAtYAya, Boolean #=zEr6vnvmuhK1SXp43vA==, Regex #=z$0oOy48=)
at #=z5wmixPgpid2CI$g7rMTfGsJJaWEPtqXYcvLugL71kb3bVMNehCLZz_jEpC9w.#=zcrIGaQI=(String #=z$h4yqdAtYAya, Boolean #=zEr6vnvmuhK1SXp43vA==)
at Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextAbsorber.Visit(Page page)
at Aspose.Pdf.Page.Accept(TextAbsorber visitor)
at AsposeCheck.Program.GetAnnotationsFromElementTag(Byte[] inputBytes) in C:\Users\rpatel.CYGNET\Desktop\Dump\AsposeCheck\AsposeCheck\AsposeCheck\Program.cs:line 206


We are checking it and will get back to you shortly.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-53585

You can obtain Paid Support services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNET-53585) have been fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET 23.6.