‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’ while converting page to PNG

I’m experiencing the bug referenced to this (which was closed as fixed) 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' while converting page to PNG.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at #=zxjk9CqWlegcdmdvu00IHhw0g4BV7ElArnHrKoKb9UaCT.#=zT5kW8xe1Yx1m(#=zP3Oj0_YpGtBc0IY9ZZL8k3wU2RMzBBf0ow== #=zzZzuR9A=, #=z4FTteMyuNTbEeQOt3Yq8dWxBm1HsjUZmhM3WWuLYT$ra #=zfwJWKtU=, #=zaKRYDaRKfNUbWk69OrBg$GGZtibDFC_$FQ== #=zAIRHxlXnHgDR)
at #=zxjk9CqWlegcdmdvu00IHhw0g4BV7ElArnHrKoKb9UaCT.#=zwqyWx1QJTgEL(#=zP3Oj0_YpGtBc0IY9ZZL8k3wU2RMzBBf0ow== #=zzZzuR9A=, #=z4FTteMyuNTbEeQOt3Yq8dWxBm1HsjUZmhM3WWuLYT$ra #=zfwJWKtU=)
at #=zxjk9CqWlegcdmdvu00IHhw0g4BV7ElArnHrKoKb9UaCT.#=zpXu$uIo=(#=zsgdDOmvpkVvtlpei8oe03S4i_zZW #=z62a$RTc=, #=zP3Oj0_YpGtBc0IY9ZZL8k3wU2RMzBBf0ow== #=zzZzuR9A=, #=zcgJNIdYtDV6jzz4HvvrHPECVq0UPlquwCMuO4V0= #=zmavKXjs=, #=z4FTteMyuNTbEeQOt3Yq8dWxBm1HsjUZmhM3WWuLYT$ra& #=zfwJWKtU=)
at #=zmb4IUblhnwExaX_wNvunaZOvqN52.#=zxywAaVc=(#=z4FTteMyuNTbEeQOt3Yq8dWxBm1HsjUZmhM3WWuLYT$ra& #=zfwJWKtU=)
at #=zmb4IUblhnwExaX_wNvunaZOvqN52.#=zxywAaVc=()
at Aspose.Pdf.Devices.ImageDevice.#=zxywAaVc=(Page #=zzZzuR9A=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Devices.PngDevice.Process(Page page, Stream output)

Code snippet:
var device = new PngDevice(new Resolution(72));
using (MemoryStream imageStr = new MemoryStream())
device.Process(doc.Pages[1], imageStr); // ERROR HERE!

We are using this as part of a .NET application using Aspose.PDF v20.7.0 (latest as of this post).
I’ve attached the problem pdf file.

attachment-16.pdf (242.1 KB)


We replicated the similar exception in our environment and logged it under the ticket PDFNET-48577 in our issue tracking system. We will further investigate this case in detail and keep you informed about rectification status of the issue. Please have patience and spare us some time.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Much appreciated. I look forward to seeing this resolved.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNET-48577) have been fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET 20.12.