OCR does not work for image containing Monotype Corsiva font

PFA sample input image. The output I get for this image is weird

q1V i !) ‘W9.024.kivehynctio mUXERHOJMR v. ph clikis 3’Refol GRCQ3(3’Reqt e eh 0t… ColV 400 l
Oi l z41504 W dbhi’@sprign.idsvq[mtiskj}9018 ‘‘i i 148 ohnskic (kpelandplassu so’’
’’} ij92 wHigmisylva. /Vancounr 110902’ 88800000 o2820Wo l W 2

Please help !!

Hi Abhi,

Thank you for considering Aspose APIs.

I am afraid, Corsiva is not one of the supported font families by Aspose.OCR APIs therefore when you perform the OCR operation on the attached image you will get the garbage data. We have logged a feature request in our database to provide the said support in future releases of Aspose.OCR APIs. The ticket Id for your future reference is OCR-33880.

Please note, the current implementation of Aspose.OCR APIs support the following font families.

  1. Arial
  2. Times New Roman
  3. Courier New
  4. Tahoma
  5. Calibri
  6. Verdana

Please feel free to write back in case you have further concerns or questions.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.