I am processing Word 2007 (docx) documents that contains a specific OCR line based on a true type font. When I create a Aspose.Words.Document, this font is listed in the fonts. However when I save the document in PDF format (using save or SaveToPdf) the line does not have the OCR fornt applied. How can I make this line appear in the output PDF with the correct format?
Thanks for your request. This might occur if this font is not installed on PC where you perform conversion to PDF. Could you please attach sample document here for testing and this font? I will check the issue on my side and provide you more information.
Best regards.
I have attached the font file and have emailed you a sample document separately
Thank you for additional information. I managed to reproduce the problem on my side. You will be notified as soon as the problem is resolved.
Best regards.
Is there any progress on this? It is affecting the progress of an internal purchase decision for Aspose.Total Developer OEM.
Or alternatively a reliable work around
Thanks for your inquiry. Currently Aspose.Words supports two ways of PDF conversion: direct conversion (without using Aspose.Pdf) and legacy conversion (Aspose.Words+Aspose.Pdf). See the following link for more information:
So, you can try using legacy method to convert your document to PDF. In this case, OCR font is embedded into PDF.
Best regards.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as 9678) have been fixed in this update.
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