OCR Multi Page Tiff

Hi there, I am trying to OCR a multipage TIFF in JAVA. It works fine if i have the input type set to SingleImage, but when I try to set it to TIFF, I get no results. Code below. This is in ColdFusion, but it uses Java. The “createObject(“java”, “com.aspose.ocr.AsposeOCR”)” command is just how I instantiate the Java object. The init() command is calling the constructor. Thanks!

<cfimage source="NICUrep09142022171643001_09142022181951.tiff" name="myImage"> 
<cfset x = ImageGetBufferedImage(myImage)> 
        InputType = createObject("java", "com.aspose.ocr.InputType");
        OCRReader = createObject("java", "com.aspose.ocr.AsposeOCR");	
		myOcrInput  = createObject("java", "com.aspose.ocr.OcrInput");
		Language  = createObject("java", "com.aspose.ocr.Language");
		RecognitionResult = createObject("java", "com.aspose.ocr.RecognitionResult");

		RecognitionSettings   = createObject("java", "com.aspose.ocr.RecognitionSettings");
		 Resu = OCRReader.Recognize(myOcrInput);


Would you please share your sample TIFF image with us as well so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly?