i am using the Apose ocr .net dll with resources.zip.
I am tryig to extract the text from image.
I can get the text but the text is not showing the correct english text but getting as
ocr.Text = {nm the xmientab, vhe gailm–es xmciude xtems vhat ale designed to kooldinate %?vh vhe ounlail iouk oq
voul document vou kan use these gaile-res to xmientables headmis 400tels I?sts kounl mages and
othel document building blocks when vou k-eate m?mules, kha}
but the orginal text is different .
Please suggest what i need to change the property to cget the correct english text.
const string resourceFileName = @“Aspose.OCR.Resources.zip”;
string imageFile = “SampleImage.jpg”;
Console.WriteLine("Performing OCR on " + imageFile + “…”);
// Initialize OcrEngine
OcrEngine ocr = new OcrEngine();
// Set the image
ocr.Image = ImageStream.FromFile(imageFile);
// Add language
ocr.Config.UseDefaultDictionaries = true;
// Load the resource file
using (ocr.Resource = new FileStream(resourceFileName, FileMode.Open))
// Process the whole image
if (ocr.Process())
// Get the complete recognized text found from the image
Console.WriteLine(“Text recognized./n” + ocr.Text);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message);