I am using Aspose.Slides to convert .odp file to html In result Html file before each slide appears caption and marker before list item shifted. Original test file is attached.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Евгений,
I have worked with the ODP presentation shared and have been able to observe the issues specified in generated HTML. For issue related to slide caption marker an issue with ID SLIDESNET-34252 has been added in our issue tracking system. For issue related to improper bullets rendering, an issue with ID SLIDESNET-34256 has been created in our issue tracking system for further investigation and resolution. This thread has been linked with the issues so that you may be automatically notified once the issues will be resolved.
We are sorry for your inconvenience,
Hi Евгений,
I like to share that our development team has investigated both of issue shared by you and have proposed the solution and reasoning for them. For issue SLIDESNET-34252 for title placeholder getting rendered twice, please use the following sample code on your end.
using (PresentationEx pres = new PresentationEx(INFILE))
// HtmlOptions customization is required
HtmlOptions options = new HtmlOptions();
// We create a custom HtmlFormatter instance. The second parameter passed to the method turns the title rendering off. It is on by default.
options.HtmlFormatter = HtmlFormatter.CreateDocumentFormatter(null, false);
pres.Save(OUTFILE, SaveFormat.Html, options);
The issue SLIDESNET-34256 is in fact not an issue with Aspose.Slides. We have investigated this case thoroughly and have came to the conclusion that such behavior is not a bug. The shared presentation is not fully correct from the beginning. It refers StarSymbols font for the bullets, but it cannot be found anywhere in the system. Looks like it is a kind of internal font of the Open/Libre Office. That’s why we cannot process it correctly and provide a reasonable substitution. Moreover, the corresponding bullet symbol code is not found in Windows standard fonts such as Arial, Wingdings and so on. When exporting we are forced to display an unknown symbol of unknown font. Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict the placeholder (that square that appears instead of the bullet) exact size. That’s why HTML and PDF exports render worse than any bitmap export does.
To correct the situation from the your side we propose to do one of the following:
- If you are using OpenOffice.org, it is possible to save the presentation to the PPT format, then open it and resave to ODP if necessary. The software will properly convert StarSymbols bullets to the Windows standard Wingdings ones.
- If you are using LibreOffice than saving to PPT is not (currently) an option because of LibreOffice bugs, that will result in a broken PPT file. It is necessary to replace the bullets font manually by the bullet customization dialog (perhaps using master styles is a good idea, just one change is required).
Please share, if I may help you further in this regard.
Many Thanks,
The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-34256;SLIDESNET-34252) have been fixed in this update.
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