ODP to PDF/A in Java: The Resulting Document Contains Only Black Bars


I use Aspose.Slides for Java to convert odp-files to PDF/A. It worked with Aspose.Slides 20.9, but using the new version 20.10 the resulting pdf ony contains only black bars.


  LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions(LoadFormat.Odp);
  Presentation document = new Presentation(new ByteArrayInputStream(this.sourceContent), loadOptions);
  PdfOptions saveOptions = new PdfOptions();
  document.save("odpTest_converted.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf, saveOptions);

Attached is a zip with the input file and output file:odp.zip (55.6 KB)


I have opened a ticket with ID SLIDESJAVA-38338 in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be addressed.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESJAVA-38338) have been fixed in this update.