Office 2007 supported features

What are the Office 2007 features support?

  1. Docx file format reading, writing and modiying ?
  2. What are other formats supported(.dotm, .docx,.xml and etc)
  3. Office 2007 specific feature support?

Thanks for your inquiry.

  1. Aspose.Words for .NET supports DOCX reading, modifying and saving. Aspose.Words for java supports only saving in DOCX format (reading is planed on the end of this year.)
  2. Aspose.Words also suppors DOC, WML, RTF, HTML, MHTML, DOCX, TXT, ODT (saving), and converting to PDF (Requires also Aspose.Pdf). Please see the following link to learn more about supported formats.
    Also note that DOCX are macro-free files and .DOCM are macro-enabled files. So to preserve macros in the DOCM(DOTM) document you should save it with DOCM extension.
  3. Do you mean custom XML, content controls? If so, unfortunately Aspose.Words doesn’t support these features yet. Could you please tell me what features of MS Word 2007 you need?
    Best regards.