Office Files to HTML

We have been able to upload a MS Word to a stream and convert to HTML using ASPOSE Word functions and then subsequently go on to edit the document. We got the solution from the snippets of code that are in the API (but had to search for a while to find it). We also found a way to extract an Excel worksheet to Txt but not HTML - still looking in the forums.

We have the Total Suite, but wondered if there were similar pieces of code in the Slides so that we can import an uploaded Power Point slide and convert it to HTML for work inside the Editor?

Output can be in HTML, PDF and more keen in getting the first part solved first. There is another library called OfficeHTMLfilter that does the above, but as we have ASPOSE I was wondering if you could shine some light onto this.


Thanks for your inquiry. As your question relates Aspose.Slides I am transferring it to their forum so that Aspose.Slides team could answer you there.

Best regards,

Dear Gerry,

Aspose.Slides does not provide any API to directly convert PowerPoint presentation into HTML.

However, you can write such functionality yourself using Aspose.Slides.