We're currently extracting data from Sql Server and using MS Oledb to update an MS Access db. I was keen to know if Aspose can replace the MS Oledb usage and can update MS Access db.
We're currently extracting data from Sql Server and using MS Oledb to update an MS Access db. I was keen to know if Aspose can replace the MS Oledb usage and can update MS Access db.
Hi Viswanathan,
I’m afraid, I couldn’t understand whether this query is somehow related to Aspose products. Could you please elaborate it a bit, so the concerned team could take it over to help you out?
I will attempt to rephrase my requirement.
Currently, we have data in a Sql DB and we insert/update this data into an Access db. For this purpose, we have Access drivers installed on the server where this program runs. As part of a compliance requirement, we will need to uninstall the Access driver. Hence, I was wondering whether we have an Aspose product which can help fill this gap (similar to how Aspose.Cells works without having to install Microsoft Office on the server).
Hope that helps.
Looking forward to your reply.
Hi Viswanathan,
This feature was expected to be included in our Aspose.Report for .NET product but we discontinued that product due to lack of market demand. So you can say there is no Aspose product which provides this feature and it is not in our near future plan either.
Please feel free to contact us in case you have further comments or questions.
Best Regards,