Omitted Color Labels of Charts in PowerPoint Using Aspose.Slides for .NET 22.9


I’m having some issues when I write in a cell of a chart on any PowerPoint. This values in the label of the graphic have a determinated color (digits in blue and breen), when I write on it manually (“A2”, “A3”, …), it color is aplied correctly. But if I write it using aspose, this label color is changed to black.

Any idea?. Thanks!

The code:

using Aspose.Slides.Charts;

namespace Bug_Aspose
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Aspose.Slides.License objLic = new Aspose.Slides.License();
            Aspose.Slides.Presentation objPpt = new Aspose.Slides.Presentation(@"D:\_Macros\Bug_Aspose\Bug_Aspose_TEMPLATE.pptx");
            Aspose.Slides.ISlideCollection objSlideCollection = objPpt.Slides;
            Aspose.Slides.ISlide objSlide = objSlideCollection[0];

            foreach (Aspose.Slides.IShape objShape in objSlide.Shapes)
                if (objShape.Name == "IA_HOW_PERFORMANCE_OSAT")
                    IChart objChart = (IChart)objShape;
                    IChartDataWorkbook objData = objChart.ChartData.ChartDataWorkbook;                    

                    decimal? dec1 = (decimal?)1.00;
                    decimal? dec2 = (decimal?)5.00;
                    decimal? dec3 = (decimal?)10.00;

                    for (int iRow = 2; iRow <= 9; iRow++)
                        objData.GetCell(0, "B" + iRow).Value = dec1;
                        objData.GetCell(0, "C" + iRow).Value = dec2;
                        objData.GetCell(0, "D" + iRow).Value = dec3;

                        dec1 = dec1 + (decimal)0.11;                        
                        dec3 = dec3 + (decimal)0.11;
            objPpt.Save(@"D:\_Macros\Bug_Aspose\Bug_Aspose_OUTPUT.pptx", Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);

Thank you for contacting support.

To check the problem you are encountering, we need more details. Please share the following data and information:

  • the presentation file (Bug_Aspose_TEMPLATE.pptx)
  • OS version on which the code was executed
  • .NET target platform in your app